Original World War One Medal Pair and Death Plaque, Pte Fuller, Suffolk Regiment

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An original World War One era medal pair, comprising the British War Medal and Victory Medal, complete with Death Plaque.  Medals are named as follows;

42847 PTE. J. FULLER. SUFF. R. 

John Fuller's Medal Index Card shows he was entitled to a pair.  The MIC does not state this, but he does appear on the Soldiers Died register, showing he was serving with the 11th Battalion and was killed in action on 6 July 1918.  This also shows he previously served with the Hertfordshire Yeomanry under service number 10624.  CWGC notes he is buried at St. Venant-Robecq Road British Cemetery, Robecq.

The war diary shows the unit was in the line, in the St. Florin sector around this time and was shelled by enemy artillery on the 6th.